Online Workshop on the Monitoring of Research Data Publications

November 30, 2023, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Online
Research data is a central element of scientific work. As publications, they enhance the transparency and reuse of scientific knowledge in the context of Open Science. Increasingly, research data, in their form as research information, are also coming into focus in institutional publication management. The collection of research data, often stored in disciplinary repositories, plays an increasingly important role in academic institutions. In light of ongoing discussions on the development of research assessment, the challenge for research reporting is to consider distributed research data stored by members of an institution, allowing research activities and context to be viewed in their entirety beyond textual publications.
Affiliation guidelines and research data policies are gaining increased attention at the policy level in universities and non-university institutions. In practice, the collection of research data publications raises various questions that involve different aspects of information management in conjunction with organization, technology, financing, and law. Additionally, considering the problematic role of business analytics companies in the field of research information, questions about a more sovereign data culture in academic institutions also arise.
Monitoring research data publications, as a basis for the evaluation of research performance, poses a challenge that highlights the tension between library documentation and potential unintended effects in research assessment. The online workshop "Monitoring Research Data Publications" provides a platform for discussing procedures for capturing research data from an institutional perspective.
The workshop covers the following key points:
- Challenges: Current challenges in monitoring research data publications are examined, and hurdles are identified.
- Solution Approaches: Successful solution approaches for monitoring research data publications in the context of scientific information management are presented and discussed through best practice examples and experience reports. Established methods for identification, standardization, and citation are considered.
- Networking: The workshop provides an opportunity to exchange ideas and concepts, as well as to develop further activities and perspectives on the topic.
The target audience of the workshop includes professionals in scientific institutions in the fields of research data management, publication management, and research information from academia, libraries, data centers, and administration
- Lehrstuhl Information Management at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science (IBI) of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- Helmholtz Open Science Office of the Helmholtz Association
- Open-Access-Büro Berlin
Time |
Topic | Speaker |
10:00 |
Welcome |
Heinz Pampel (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin & Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft) |
Moderation: Maxi Kindling (Open-Access-Büro Berlin) |
10:10 |
Charité Open Data Dashboard- Von der Incentivierung zum Monitoring |
Evgeny Bobrov (Berlin Institute of Health at Charité, BIH) |
10:35 |
HMC Dashboard zu offenen und FAIRen Daten in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft |
Markus Kubin (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie) |
11:00 |
Entwicklung eines Qualitätsindikator für Forschungsdaten - Monitoring jenseits von Metriken |
Marcel Meistring (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft) |
11:25 |
Andreas Daniel (Deutsche Zentrum für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsforschung, DZHW) |
11:50 |
Break |
12:00 |
Unknown Data – Erfassung und Konsolidierung von Metadaten für Forschungsdaten aus dem Web |
Robert Jäschke (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
12:25 |
Sicht der Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland (KFiD) auf das Thema |
Sophie Biesenbender (Geschäftsstelle der Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland) |
12:50 |
Stefanie Haustein (University of Ottawa) |
13:15 |
Final discussion |
Moderation: Roland Bertelmann (Helmholtz Open Science Office) |
Heinz Pampel
Scientific Consultant Helmholtz Open Science Office