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Task Group Open Access Transformation

The Task Group Open Access Transformation is a joint Task Group of the Working Group Open Science and the Working Group Library and Information Management of the Helmholtz Association and is guided by the Helmholtz Open Science Office.

Goals of the Task Group

The Task Group works on supporting measures for the Open Access transformation of the Helmholtz Association.

The Task Group is guided by the Helmholtz Open Science Office.


Ongoing since October 2016.

Members of the Task Group

  • Martin Köhler, DESY
  • Jutta Lotz, DLR
  • Bernhard Mittermaier, FZJ
  • Maria Nüchter, KIT
  • Ines Schmahl, FZJ
  • Dagmar Sitek, DKFZ
  • Barbara Schmidt, GEOMAR
  • Astrid Uerlichs, HMGU

Contact persons from the Helmholtz Open Science Office

Roland Bertelmann

Head of Helmholtz Open Science Office

Marcel Meistring

Open Science Officer; interim Head