Memorandum on the Open Access Transformation

New position paper of the task group Open Access Transformation sets out framework conditions for the open access transformation within the Helmholtz Association.
The joint task group Open Access Transformation of the working group Open Science and the working group Library and Information Management of the Helmholtz Association, together with the Helmholtz Open Science Office, have published a joint position paper on open access transformation, the “Memorandum on the Open Access Transformation at the Helmholtz Association” (“Memorandum zur Open-Access-Transformation bei der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft”). For now, the position paper is only available in German, an English version will follow later.
Update from 14.02.2025: The English translation is now available: “Memorandum on the Open Access Transformation at the Helmholtz Association”
In the Memorandum, nine framework conditions are set out, each with a core requirement for the open access transformation, that will serve as an orientation framework within the Helmholtz Association for the assessment of future transformative agreements. Key requirements include obligations for an actual transformation (journal flipping), options for opt-outs for institutions, fixed cost caps for articles, more effective regulations to protect against data tracking in science, and strengthening scholar-led publication infrastructures. In addition, four “Next Steps” to promote the open access transformation in the Helmholtz Association are outlined, among them further measures for transparent information budgets and rethinking reputation mechanisms. The now published memorandum on open access transformation follows on from an initial, Helmholtz-internal position paper from 2021 and is intended to promote further discussion at Helmholtz and in the Helmholtz Centres. In addition, it is also intended to contribute to the further development of the German Alliance of Science Organisations' open access strategy as part of its focus area „Digitalität in der Wissenschaft“ and to the assessment of transformation processes within the wider open access landscape.