Task Group Helmholtz Quality Indicators for Data and Software Products
Goals of the Task Group
The Task Group Helmholtz Quality Indicators for Data and Software Products of the Working Group Open Science of the Helmholtz Association is dedicated to the development of Helmholtz Quality Indicators for Data and Software Products.
Ongoing since March 2022.
Products and Events of the Task Group
Conceptual Considerations
White Paper „Towards a Quality Indicator for Research Data publications and Research Software publications": https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.08804
Members of the Task Group
- Michael Anger, KIT
- Torsten Bronger, FZJ
- Stefanie Castell, HZI
- Wolfgang zu Castell, GFZ
- Doris Dransch, GFZ
- Claas Faber, GEOMAR
- Janine Felden, AWI
- Bernadette Fritzsch, AWI
- Ronny Gey, UFZ
- Britta Höpfner, HZB
- Tomislav Jersek, KIT
- Guido Juckeland, HZDR
- Andreas Keller, HZI
- Ulrike Kleeberg, Hereon
- Martin Köhler, DESY
- Matthias Kretz, GSI
- Cora F. Krömer, KIT
- Katja Linnemann, HZDR
- Christian Meeßen, GFZ
- Hela Mehrtens,GEOMAR
- Marco Nolden, DKFZ
- Maria Nüchter, KIT
- Florian Ott, GFZ
- David Pfaff, CISPA
- Will Rayner, HMGU
- Sirko Schindler, DLR
- Gisela Schmidt, DZNE
- Thomas Schnicke, UFZ
- Dagmar Sitek, DKFZ
- William Smith, HZB
- Christian Tacke, GSI
- Anne Talk, HZI
- Andreas Walker, AWI