101st Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter
Issue of December 13, 2023
Dear Open Science enthusiasts,
This is the latest issue of the Helmholtz Open Science Newsletter brought to you by the Helmholtz Open Science Office. With this newsletter, we provide you with a regular overview of the most important open science developments.
We appreciate you forwarding this newsletter to anyone interested.
- 1. Recommendations on the Sovereignty and Security of Science in the Digital Space
- 2. New Report the Current State and Future Directions for Repositories in Europe
- 3. MDC joins CoARA
- 4. News on DEAL
- 5. Five Years of Plan S: New Consultation Process on Scholar-led Publishing
- 6. RDA DE 2024 - Program Published & Registration Open
- 7. Joint Statement on Research Data
- 8. Recommendations for Research Software in the Earth System Sciences
- 9. NASA/CERN Open Science Summit: Closing Statement issued
- 10. Retrospective: 67. Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
- 11. Retrospective: Third Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
- 12. Retrospective: Online Workshop: Monitoring of Research Data Publications - Status and Perspective
- 13. On Our Own Behalf: Job Offer
- 14. On Our Own Behalf: Leaving X
- 15. Season's Greetings
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- Recommended Reading
- Imprint & License
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1. Recommendations on the Sovereignty and Security of Science in the Digital Space
As part of its Empfehlungen zur Souveränität und Sicherheit der Wissenschaft (i. e., recommendations on the sovereignty and security of science in the digital space, text available in German only) the German Science and Humanities Council (Wissenschaftsrat) also points out the special role of open infrastructures and open source solutions: ”For a coherent overall strategy to strengthen plurality and openness, a sufficient availability of publicly funded infrastructures and platforms as well as their comprehensive use by academia is indispensable. However, a major challenge here is to specify the relationship between the individual projects - from AI competence centers to high-performance and supercomputing to data infrastructures - and how these can be better linked in the future.” The recommendations continue: ”IT managers at universities and research institutions can also contribute to an open and self-determined design of digital space through the selection and composition of the software on offer. The primary consideration here is an increased use of open-source solutions, the use and (further) development of which should be further expanded and specifically promoted.” The Council also points out that this requires sustainable structures and funding.
2. New Report the Current State and Future Directions for Repositories in Europe
The report presents the results of a survey on the European repository landscape conducted by OpenAIRE, LIBER, SPARC Europe, and COAR in spring 2023. The survey found that European repositories acquire, preserve, and provide open access to a large number of valuable research outputs and represent critical, non-profit infrastructure in the European open science landscape. They are well-placed to support the expansion of open science practices and research assessment reform across Europe. The survey also identified three areas in particular that could be strengthened: maintaining up-to-date, highly functioning software platforms; applying consistent and comprehensive good practices in terms of metadata, preservation, and usage statistics; and gaining appropriate visibility in the scholarly ecosystem. The full report is available here.
3. MDC joins CoARA
In 2018, the European Commission recommended that EU member states take greater account of their support for open science when assessing the performance of scientists and scientific organizations (Commission Recommendation 2018/790 of 25 April 2018). This recommendation was taken aup by the European Council (Council Conclusions 9515/22 of 10 June 2022). One response to implement this recommendation was the creation of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). This group drew up an agreement to reform the assessment practices for research, which was published in July 2022. The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association has now joined this agreement. Since October 2023, the European Commission has granted funding for CoARA through the CoARA Boost Project.
4. News on DEAL
Within the DEAL consortium, new Publish-and-read agreements have now also been negotiated with Wiley and Springer Nature. As with the Elsevier contract, these are so-called opt-in contracts, i.e., institutions now have the opportunity to join these 5-year agreements. More information can be found here.
5. Five Years of Plan S: New Consultation Process on Scholar-led Publishing
Five years after the publication of Plan S, in October 2023, the cOAlition S published ”Towards Responsible Publishing: a proposal from cOAlition S.” This discussion paper lays the groundwork for a reorientation of Plan S with the aim of implementing open access more strongly in a scholar-led system. A revised proposal will then be developed on the basis of a consultation process running until April 2024. This will then be submitted to the funding institutions participating in COAlition S for review in June 2024.
6. RDA DE 2024 - Program Published & Registration Open
As reported in the last newsletter, the upcoming RDA Germany Tagung 2024 (February 20 to 21, 2024) will again take place in cooperation with the Helmholtz Open Science Office and at the GFZ. RDA Deutschland e.V. has now published the preliminary program of the conference. Registration for the regularly fully booked conference will be possible shortly. One highlight is the opening of the conference with a keynote speech by Renate Nikolay, Deputy Director-General of the EU Directorate-General for Communication Networks, Content and Technologies on the European Commission's data strategy.
7. Joint Statement on Research Data
DataCite, Crossref, and STM announced a joint statement on research data. This statement is an update of the joint statement between DataCite and STM from 2012 on linkability and citability of research data. The aim of the statement is to accelerate the adoption of best practices and policies, and encourage further development of critical policies in collaboration with a wide group of stakeholders. The signatories of the statement are called upon to adopt and promote 12 best practice recommendations on the handling and sharing of research data.
8. Recommendations for Research Software in the Earth System Sciences
Reproducibility of computational research is a constant challenge and requires uniform recommendations for action. Recently 15 recommendations for sustainable research software for high-quality computational research in Earth System Sciences have been published. They are intended to support students and researchers and help implement guidelines at universities, research funding bodies, and the scientific community.
9. NASA/CERN Open Science Summit: Closing Statement issued
Following the NASA/CERN Open Science Summit, on whose program committee the Helmholtz Open Science Office was represented, a closing statement has been issued. This is linked to a call to action by the Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) to establish global working groups that want to work together on relevant topics.
10. Retrospective: 67. Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar
On November 7, 2023, the 67th Helmholtz Open Science Online Seminar entitled ”The Open Research Knowledge Graph – A Lighthouse in the Publication Flood” took place with Anna-Lena Lorenz and Oliver Karras from the TIB (Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library). Around 90 people took part in the event, which was held in English. The presentation slides and the recording of the talk are published and linked on the event website. We would like to thank the speakers and all participants for their participation!
11. Retrospective: Third Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop
On November 16, 2023, the third Helmholtz Reproducibility Workshop took place on the Telegrafenberg at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. The event was once again organized by the Helmholtz Open Science Office and the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA). Despite the nationwide strike of long-distance, regional, and suburban train services, around 30 people attended the event on site and over 40 people participated online. The keynotes ”Replicability along the imaging pipeline” and ”It takes a village: building paths between Open Science, Reproducibility and Research Software Engineering” have been recorded and published together with the accompanying slides. The links can be found in the event program. The accompanying materials of the hands-on workshops on DataLad, statistical and computational reproducibility and RRIDs, and common data visualization problems can also be found in the program. We would like to thank all participants, keynote speakers, and workshop leaders for their active participation!
12. Retrospective: Online Workshop: Monitoring of Research Data Publications - Status and Perspective
The Chair of Information Management at the IBI of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Helmholtz Open Science Office and the Open Access Office Berlin organized the joint online workshop "Monitoring of research data publications - status and perspective" on November 28, 2023. The following three focal points were considered:
Challenges: Current challenges in monitoring research data publications were considered and hurdles identified.
Approaches to solutions: Successful approaches to monitoring research data publications in the context of scientific information management were presented and discussed on the basis of best-practice examples and field reports. Proven methods for identification, standardization, and citation were considered.
Networking: The workshop offered the opportunity to exchange ideas and concepts and to develop further activities and perspectives on the topic.
The program and links to the presentation slides are available here.
13. On Our Own Behalf: Job Offer
The Helmholtz Open Science Office is hiring!
The focus of this full-time position is work on third-party funded projects on persistent identifiers and at the Helmholtz Open Science Office. Applications are possible until December 18, 2023, via the online application form only. To the job advertisement.
14. On Our Own Behalf: Leaving X
As part of a scientific community committed to openness, we have decided to discontinue our engagement on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter) by the end of this year. The account will remain, but we will no longer post or interact there. We are happy to exchange ideas with you on Mastodon (@HelmholtzOpenScienceOffice@helmholtz.social) and on LinkedIn.
15. Season's Greetings
The Helmholtz Open Science Office wishes you happy holidays and a happy and healthy new year!
With best wishes from Roland Bertelmann, Christoph Bruch, Lea Maria Ferguson, Steffi Genderjahn, Marcel Meistring, Lena Messerschmidt, Heinz Pampel, Antonia Schrader, Paul Schultze-Motel und Nina Weisweiler.
Recommended Reading
Barbers, I., Pollack, P., & Herweg, D. (2023). Förderprogramm Open-Access-Publikationskosten: Bericht zum Förderjahr 2022. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10089109
Butler, L.-A., Matthias, L., Simard, M.-A., Mongeon, P., & Haustein, S. (2023). The oligopoly’s shift to open access. How the big five academic publishers profit from article processing charges. Quantitative Science Studies. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00272
OSTP. (2023). Report to the U.S. Congress on Financing Mechanisms for Open Access Publishing of Federally Funded Research. Office of Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC, USA. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Open-Access-Publishing-of-Scientific-Research.pdf
Packer, A., Suber, P., Kiley, R., Terry, R., Barbour, G., Eve, M. P., Hagemann, M., Arunachalam, S., Rentier, B., Prosser, D., Bosc, H., Veldsman, S., Willinsky, J., Babini, D., & Velterop, J. (2023). We so loved Open Access (J. Velterop & L. Posenato Garcia, Eds.). ABEC Brasil & SciELO. https://doi.org/10.21452/abec.2023.isbn.978-65-993452-6-5
Sühl-Strohmenger, W., & Tappenbeck, I. (Eds.). (2024). Praxishandbuch Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekar:innen. Wandel von Handlungsfeldern, Rollen und Perspektiven im Kontext der digitalen Transformation. De Gruyter Saur. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110790375
Thibault, R. T., Amaral, O. B., Argolo, F., Bandrowski, A. E., Alexandra R, D., & Drude, N. I. (2023). Open Science 2.0: towards a truly collaborative research ecosystem. PLOS Biology, 21(10), e3002362. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3002362
Thompson, K., Hill, E., Carlisle-Johnston, E., Dennie, D., & Fortin, É. (Eds.). (2023). Research Data Management in the Canadian Context. A Guide for Practitioners and Learners (English). Western University, Western Libraries. https://doi.org/10.5206/ZRUV7849
Wojturska, R. (2023). An Open Book: launching a library-based Open Access books hosting service. LIBER Quarterly, 33(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.53377/lq.13745