Task Group Research Assessment
The Task Group Research Assessment is a task group of the Open Science Working Group and is organized by the Helmholtz Open Science Office.
Goals of the Task Group
The Task Group Research Assessment is dedicated to the development of a Helmholtz position on research assessment and provides a platform for the exchange of information on modern and quality-oriented research assessment systems.
Ongoing since March 2025.
Members of the Task Group
- Gülcin Abbaszade (Helmholtz Munich, Working Group Women in Research Centers (akfifz))
- Maik Boltes (FZJ)
- Wolfgang zu Castell (GFZ, Working Group Open Science)
- Anne-Katrin Federow (UFZ, Working Group Personal)
- Katja Flaig (HZI, Working Group Women in Research Centers (akfifz))
- Tanja Friedrich (DLR, Working Group Open Science)
- Bernadette Fritzsch (AWI, Working Group Open Science)
- Anne Jordan (Head Office, Initiative and Networking Fund)
- Martin Köhler (DESY, Working Group Library and Information Management)
- Peter Macsek (DKFZ, Helmholtz Juniors)
- Joleen McInnis (DZNE, Working Group Open Science)
- Christine Mieck (Head Office, Research Field Information)
- Andreas Menzel (UFZ)
- Andrew Mistry (GSI, Working Group Open Science)
- Juliane Mörsel (KIT)
- Vincent Mourik (FZJ)
- Sven Rank (FZJ)
- Klaus Rehmann (Helmholtz Munich, Controlling)
- Thomas Schnicke (UFZ)
- Michael Schulz (KIT, Controlling)
- Florian Schwennsen (DESY, Working Group Library and Information Management)
- Aga Seretny (DKFZ, HAPN (Helmholtz Association Postdoc Network))
- Keerthana Siebert (MDC)
- Dagmar Sitek (DKFZ, Working Group Library and Information Management)
- Vanessa Skiba (AWI, HAPN (Helmholtz Association Postdoc Network))
- Marc Stadler (HZI)
Contact persons from the Helmholtz Open Science Office
Mathijs Vleugel
Leitung Helmholtz Open Science Office
ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2988-2628