Publication guidelines as countermeasure
Many scientific institutions, including the Helmholtz Centers, have issued publication guidelines. These set out standards such as release processes for publications. In addition, the "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice", which are anchored in academia through employment contracts and funding requirements, provide guidelines for action that also extend to the handling of scientific publications.
Criteria for the Operation of Open Access Publication Funds and the Payment of Open Access Publication Fees as countermeasure
In the context of Open Access, so-called Open Access Publication Funds have been established at many scientific institutions, including the Helmholtz Centers. These funds are the responsibility of the libraries and serve, beyond the fund management, the transformation towards Open Access. As guidelines for the operation of these publication funds, the Helmholtz Association has formulated "Criteria for the Operation of Open Access Publication Funds and the Payment of Open Access Publication Fees". These address the issue of quality assurance in several places. Among other things, it is stated:
- “The publication’s quality is guaranteed by quality assurance mechanisms recognized in the respective discipline.”
- “Articles should be published in journals listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Additionally, it is recommended that the respective publisher's membership in the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) is considered.”
If these guidelines are taken into account, it can be assumed that the probability of being deceived by a "Predatory Journal" is quite low. However, not all scientific institutions have established such central OA Publication Funds. In addition, funding agencies also provide funds for publication fees. Thus, it can be difficult in practice to record every article or conference contribution before submission and to point out all problematic publishers to researchers.
Evaluation criteria as countermeasure
In the Helmholtz Association, only articles/conference contributions that are indexed in Open Research Europe as well as the databases "Web of Science" (Clarivate) and "Scopus" (Elsevier) are included in the review process for so-called program-oriented funding (PoF).
The inclusion criteria of two databases are not always transparent, nevertheless it can be assumed that the operators of these central databases check the publication bodies before deciding on indexing – especially with regard to quality assurance – of their articles/conference contributions.
Counseling and education as countermeasure
At the Helmholtz Centers, for example, the Helmholtz Libraries and the Helmholtz Open Science Office provide advice on the topic of "Predatory Publishing". Next to courses for doctoral students, information on the administration of publication fees, and via websites – awareness for this topic is being raised on many levels.
Email filtering as countermeasure
At some scientific institutions, including the Helmholtz Association, some of the known domains of "Predatory Publishers" are listed in so-called blacklists. In practice, these emails arrive directly in the spam folder of an email inbox.
Information as of: 2018 (see publication: FAQs on Predatory Publishing, in German)