Legal Information
The following information contains the legally required mandatory data on provider identification and other information obligations as well as important legal information on the website of the Hermann von Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers e.V.
The provider of this website is the Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V. (hereinafter "Helmholtz Association").
Head Office and Bonn Office
Ahrstrasse 45, 53175 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0) 228 30818-0
Fax: +49 (0) 228 30818-30
E-mail: info (at)
Register of associations
The Helmholtz Association is recorded in the register of associations of the Bonn District Court under registration number VR 7942.
Value added tax identification number: DE273683952
The Helmholtz Association is legally represented by the chairman of the Association. The chairman is the President:
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. mult. Otmar D. Wiestler
Berlin Office
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2, 10178 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 206329-52
Fax: +49 (0) 30 206329-59
E-mail: president (at)
Editorial responsibility
The editor responsible for the Internet presence of the Helmholtz Open Science Office pursuant to section 55, paragraph 2 of the RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement) is the Head of Helmholtz Open Science Office
Mathijs Vleugel (Head)
Helmholtz Association
Helmholtz Open Science Office
c/o GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany
Phone +49 (0) 331 6264-3128
Email: mathijs.vleugel[at]
Mathijs Vleugel, Christoph Bruch, Lea Maria Ferguson, Steffi Genderjahn, Marc Lange, Marcel Meistring, Heinz Pampel, Johannes Schneider, Antonia C. Schrader and Paul Schultze-Motel.
Abbreviations for posts in social media (Bluesky, Mastodon, LinkedIn): Lea Maria Ferguson (lmf), Steffi Genderjahn (sg), Marc Lange (ml), Marcel Meistring (mm), Antonia Schrader (as), Paul Schultze-Motel (psm), Leonie Voland (lv).
Legal notice regarding copyright
The layout of the homepage and graphics on the Helmholtz Open Science Office website are protected by copyright.
The content and information offered at are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0. This license permits anyone to copy, distribute and make publicly available the contents and information from, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes. The authors must be named. Copyright notices may not be changed. Details on the license in a generally understandable form can be found on the Creative Commons website.
Image credits
The images on the pages Open Science in Helmholtz, Open Access, Open Research Data, Open Research Software, Events and About Us are works of art created by designer Michael Schmitz based on actual datasets. Doctoral candidates at the six Helmholtz Data Science Schools use these data to study a range of topics in the research fields Energy, Earth and Environment, Health, Key Technologies, Matter, and Aeronautics, Space, and Transport. The graphics are licensed under the Creative Commons License CC BY-SA 4.0.
More here:
Image credits for page headers and graphics of
- Landing Page:, Pixabay License
- Newsroom:, Pixabay License
- Logos by Julian Kücklich (, licensed under CC0
- Working group Open Science:
- Logos by Julian Kücklich (, licensed under CC0
Legal notice regarding links to external websites
The Helmholtz Open Science Office web pages include references (links) to information offered on external third-party websites and/or servers that are not within the control or responsibility of the Association. The relevant provider shall be responsible for the content of the corresponding external pages to which links are provided. The Helmholtz Open Science Office assumes no liability and makes no guarantee in relation to this information and does not approve or support the content of the linked sites. In establishing the initial link, the Helmholtz Open Science Office reviewed the relevant external content in order to determine whether such a link might give rise to civil or criminal liability. However, we cannot be reasonably expected to review the content of linked external pages unless there is concrete reason to believe that a violation of the law may be involved. If the Helmholtz Open Science Office determines that an external site to which it is connected via a link may give rise to civil or criminal liability, or if it receives notification thereof from third parties, then the Helmholtz Open Science Office will immediately eliminate any link to this site. The Helmholtz Open Science Office expressly dissociates itself from such content.
This information also applies to any subdomains of where responsibility for content lies with the respective author who has been given the right to use the Helmholtz Association subdomain.
Please send comments or corrections directly to: open-science (at)