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Helmholtz Open Science Forum: Open Research Information

2 April 2025, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Online via Zoom


Research information – data on research outputs and activities – is omnipresent in everyday research, be it bibliographic metadata on publications and other research results, data on funding and projects or information on research institutions and researchers themselves. However, research information is often not freely accessible and usable. Research information is often collected by commercial providers and made available to the scientific community itself in return for payment, as in the case of the Web of Science and Scopus platforms. At the same time, while many research institutions produce vast research information, there is still potential in making this research information better accessible, or making basic information on their research activities freely accessible in the first place. And as research information is indispensable and crucial for strategic decisions, the allocation of resources, research evaluation and recruitment – in short, essential for research assessment –, the openness of such information is of decisive relevance. Open research information is therefore another important building block of open science practices and in the reform of research assessment as well as for academic sovereignty. The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information published in April 2024 therefore aims to make open research information the norm.

This Helmholtz Open Science Forum on April 2, 2025 is dedicated to the topic of open research information and offers members of the Helmholtz Association a space for exchange and discussion. The forum will begin with a keynote speech on the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information (by Bianca Kramer, executive director of the Barcelona Declaration) and will be followed by a moderated, open discussion with input from the Helmholtz Open Science Office and other Helmholtz stakeholders.


The presentation language is English. Questions and the discussion will be bilingual (English and German).

When? What? Who?
2:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction Mathijs Vleugel | Helmholtz Open Science Office, Head
2:10 p.m. Keynote: Introducing the Barcelona Declaration Bianca Kramer | Barcelona Declaration, Executive Director / Sesame Open Science
2:30 p.m. Open Research Information: Input from the Helmholtz Open Science Office Marc Lange | Helmholtz Open Science Office
2:45 p.m. Open Research Information: Insights from Helmholtz Centers to be announced
3:00 p.m. Open Discussion

all participants

moderation: Lea Maria Ferguson | Helmholtz Open Science Office

3:55 p.m. Closing Remarks Mathijs Vleugel | Helmholtz Open Science Office, Head


Registration is free and open to all Helmholtz employees.
Please register here.