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4th Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the NFDI: Helmholtz Contributions to FAIRness and Data Quality

21st of January, 2025, 09:30 - 12:00

Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

With the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the German federal and state governments are pursuing the goal of systematically making research data resources accessible in accordance with the FAIR principles. Members of Helmholtz Centers are active in a considerable number of NFDI consortia. 

On a regular basis, Helmholtz Open Science Office is organising Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the NFDI.

The objective of this event series is to convene a diverse range of stakeholders from Helmholtz who are engaged in NFDI activities, with the aim of fostering a robust and interconnected NFDI network within the Helmholtz community. The programme of the 4th forum in this series on the 21st of January, 2025 will encompass a comprehensive range of topics, with a particular emphasis on strategies to enhance the FAIR principles and data quality.


With the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI), the German federal and state governments are pursuing the goal of systematically making research data resources accessible in accordance with the FAIR principles.

The NFDI is established as a network of discipline-oriented consortia over a period of three years in three successive funding phases. In November 2022, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) decided to fund eight additional NFDI consortia proposed in the third and final round. Together with those selected in the previous two rounds, the National Research Data Infrastructure now has a total of 27 consortia.


Registration is free and open to all Helmholtz employees at the following link:


Registration closes on 20.01.2025 at 6 pm.


Time Topic Speaker
09:30 - 09:40 Welcome Sascha Brune, Expert committee of the NFDI, Helmholtz-Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
09:40 - 09:55 FAIR Data at NFDI4Energy

Wolfgang Suess, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

09:55 - 10:10 DAPHNE4NFDI: Making Data from Photon and Neutron Experiments FAIR.

Bridget Murphy, Kiel University 

Frank Weber, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

10:10 - 10:25 NFDI4Ing Service Portfolio

Michael Selzer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

10:25 - 10:35 Short break
10:35 - 10:50 The Earth and Environment DataHub in support of the NFDI4Earth

Stephan Frickenhaus, Alfred Wegener Institut (AWI)

10:50 - 11:05 Microbe Data Drama: Share and Standardize, or Stagnate! (NFDI4Microbiota) Ulisses Rocha, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
11:05 - 11:20 MDC activities in NFDI4Health: Making cohort study data FAIR to promote joint data analyses Katharina Nimptsch, Max Delbrück Center (MDC) 
11:20 - 12:00 Final discussion and Wrap up


Steffi Genderjahn

Open Science Officer

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Marcel Meistring

Open Science Officer

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Christoph Bruch

Open Science Officer

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