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First Forum on Open Science and Transfer

May 12, 2022, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

On May 12, 2022, the Helmholtz Open Science Office hosted the Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the topic of Open Science and Transfer.

The online event addressed various aspects and issues around the interplay of Open Science, Technology Transfer and Knowledge Transfer in the Helmholtz Association.

The virtual forum was open to all Helmholtz employees.

Registration was free of charge and the number of participants was not limited.

The majority of the event was held in German. Questions and discussions were, of course, also possible in English.


Time Agenda Speaker
10:00-10:10 Welcome Roland Bertelmann, Helmholtz Open Science Office
10:10-10:30 Open Science and Transfer Helmholtz Open Science Office
10:30-10:50 Open Science technology transfer Christian Cremer, WG TTGR
10:50-11:10 Open Science and Knowledge transfer Susanne Weg-Remers, WG Wissenstransfer
11:10-11:20 Break
11:20-11:40 Open Transfer: Challenges and possible solutions  Björn Wolf, HZDR
11:40-12:00 SoftWert Ilka Mahns, DESY
12:00-12:20 Open Science and Transfer on the example of GFZ's transfer strategy Jörn Krupa, GFZ
12:20-13:20 Lunch
13:20-13:30 Open Science and IP right - Brief report on the current study by the EU Commission Christoph Bruch, Helmholtz Open Science Office
13:30-13:40 Success story SORMAS Anja Hauri, HZI
13:40-14:20 Wrap-up and final discussion Moderation: Roland Bertelmann, Helmholtz Open Science Office


Ferguson, L. M., Bertelmann, R., Bruch, C., Cremer, C., Hauri, A., Krause, G., Krupa, J., Mahns, I., Pampel, H., Schrader, A. C., Schultze-Motel, P., Weg-Remers, S., Weisweiler, N. L., Winzer, J., Wolf, B. (2022): Helmholtz Open Science Briefing. Helmholtz Open Science Forum. Open Science und Transfer. Report. Helmholtz Open Science Office. https://doi.org/10.48440/os.helmholtz.051 (German only)


Heinz Pampel

Scientific Consultant Helmholtz Open Science Office